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Date Title
17 Aug 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director
17 Aug 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Disclosure Of Change In Interest Of Substantial Unitholder
16 Aug 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person - Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person
16 Aug 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Chief Executive Officer
15 Aug 2023 CGS-CIMB Kuala Lumpur Non Deal Roadshow Investor Presentation
12 Aug 2023 (I) Notice Of Record Date And Distribution Payment Date
(II) Application Of Distribution Reinvestment Plan To The Distribution For The Period From 1 January 2023 To 30 June 2023
- Capital Distribution
12 Aug 2023 (I) Notice Of Record Date And Distribution Payment Date
(II) Application Of Distribution Reinvestment Plan To The Distribution For The Period From 1 January 2023 To 30 June 2023
- Tax-Exempt Income Distribution
12 Aug 2023 United Hampshire US REIT Achieves 14.0% Growth In 1H 2023 Net Property Income
12 Aug 2023 Financial Statements And Related Announcement - Half Yearly Results
10 Jul 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Disclosure Of Interests/ Change In Interests Of Chief Executive Officer
10 Jul 2023 Notification Of Results Release
30 Jun 2023 Notice In Relation To Section 1446(f) Of United States Internal Revenue Code Of 1986, As Amended For The Period From 1 July 2023 To 30 September 2023
28 Jun 2023 Investor Presentation - Phillip Securities Webinar
19 Jun 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director
16 Jun 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person - Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person
12 Jun 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director
09 Jun 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person - Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person
22 May 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director
22 May 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Disclosure Of Change In Interest Of Substantial Unitholder
20 May 2023 Presentation Slides For REITs Symposium 2023

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